
West LA » Zoom!

At CCIND we specialize in making sure your smile is both healthy and beautiful, and we all know that the key to a beautiful smile is white, shining teeth. White teeth do not just suggest status, but also good health and hygiene. Here in Los Angeles, the standards for white teeth have been raised due to the fact that most celebrities have their teeth professionally whitened. Naturally, our teeth have a certain amount of yellow in them, and then they can become stained additionally from the things we eat and drink.

For this purpose, CCIND offers Zoom!, the newest and most revolutionary teeth whitening system there is.

before after Zoom!

The Zoom! whitening system is fast, convenient, long-lasting, proven to be safe and effective, and results in less sensitive teeth than with traditional whitening systems. Zoom! is performed in our Los Angeles office in under an hour, and offers unbeatable whitening results. There is no need to return for multiple visits, and no need for take-home trays of whitening material for touch ups. The effect is instant and lasts longer than any other whitening system.

Zoom! works by applying a light-activated gel to your teeth that is infused with Hydrogen Peroxide. The gel penetrates deep into teeth, to treat even the toughest stains from smoking, red wine, or coffee. Zoom! offers the whitest smile in the quickest visit-only 45 minutes for teeth that are up to eight shades whiter.

The staff here at CCIND will be happy to discuss Zoom! with you. Please call for a consultation today.

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