
West LA » Restorations

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2b8158fa 7dbf 41c5 b1fc a65377132250 sm Restorations 22f404d5 efa1 4731 8e05 183290921fa5 sm Restorations
Dr. Solomon placed dental implants on a front tooth to revitalize the patient’s smile.
f33a76d3 8573 4383 9e2d b2f88f791e48 sm Restorations 679801c8 013f 46ff a324 50e090b7212c sm Restorations
Dr. Solomon artistically crafted highly natural looking dentures for this patient.
Full Mouth Reconsctruction
5a92a079 270d 47dc bb70 987b9dcaae76 sm Restorations 20d76201 5175 4f5c 8e3d ba4aadb679a6 sm Restorations
Certain cases such as this require the skill and precision to combine dental implants, dentures and crown as done here by Dr. Solomon
Fixed Bridges
cd4da988 be2d 4975 8b2b cd61894f188b sm Restorations c07103af b255 4490 94c6 5711ef90e705 sm Restorations
Dr Solomon has replaced this patient’s old worn out traditional dentures with technologically advanced all ceramic crowns and bridge for optimal strength and aesthetics of the restoration.

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West LA